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Friday, 19 June 2015

Save money using BIM in prefabrication process

BIM for prefabrication

Reduce Waste on construction projects through BIM in prefabrication process.

The process that is done before the work is not started at the building site but the planning process is being worked out is called the pre-fabrication process. The fortune of the building, which is to be constructed, is decided at this time and everything is because of the use of BIM.

Help decision making

Decision making is an important step in pre-fabrication process, which can be done properly, if we have relevant information at our hands. BIM through bim coordination helps you get all types of information at real-time and thus make better decisions.

Reduce costs

Estimating the cost, the most important step in a construction process, is done in pre-fabrication stage and BIM facilitates it. With the help of BIM coordination, architect can calculate the cost of various materials, their availability to execute such a design. Moreover, he can make better use of the resources available.

Save time

Delivery on time of the total time takes for execution of the project is as important aspect as money. Here also BIM helps the construction industry much. BIM software enables the architects to solve problems beforehand and it avoids unnecessary delays at work site. So the project can be finished at a stretch. All the appropriate vendors can also plan and execute their individual parts faster by using BIM coordination.

BIM Coordination Remove barriers

As BIM software coordinates all the three important elements of a building construction namely the mechanical part, the electrical part and the plumbing part from the very beginning, all types of visible blockages can be identified at the design stage itself. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system can be taken care by BIM at the initial stage and so no obstacles are faced when they are installed on a constructed building.
BIM is feeding data to its main database constantly and the software manufacturer takes all that data and checks what works and what doesn’t. So, all types of best practices are implemented wherever possible. Contractors even involve BIM consultants for implementing bim services to ensure that mistakes are not repeated. It avoids a major difficulty.
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